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What is the Subscribe360 Events App?

Subscribe360 is C2 Software's membership relationship management (MRM) software, built on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Power Platform. With functionality covering everything from membership/subscription management, events and fundraising to marketing and a member's portal, Subscribe360 makes managing membership relationships straightforward and simple.

Designed to help your organisation easily navigate all things membership, Subscribe360 is split into different apps and licenses to suit your organisation's needs:

  • Membership
  • Events
  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Administration

In this blog, we'll look at the Events app.

Organising an event or conference can be a complex and time-consuming task, but the Subscribe360 Events Management app is here to help. 

Manage free and costed events, from single-day meetings to multi-day, multi-session conferences. Multiple ticket types are supported, such as non-member, group, speaker and early bird discounts, with fully configurable pricing, as well as full invoicing and payment collection through the member's portal and/or other channels.

Get a clear overview of any event with event records, where all associated documents, reminders, emails, tasks, calendar appointments and attendees are attached, giving a single view of everything event-related in one place. 

Online bookings are underpinned using the Sales Opportunity processing within Dynamics 365, meaning should a delegate not complete the booking process, the incomplete booking will be available for remarketing or following up directly with the member. Once attendees have signed up for the event, the S360 Events App can send out invoices for payment, or integrate directly with your existing payment solution e.g. Stripe. 

Additionally, the Subscribe360 App is compatible with mobile and tablet devices to ensure smooth check-in on the day of the event. Dietary information, disable access requirements, event attendance lists and delegate badges can all be accessed and printed to help on the day of the event, in addition to the self-check-in facilities.

Event and conference management features include: 
  • Support for the management of events, webinars, committee meetings and conferences 
  • Speaker and sponsor management
  • Configurable event pricing, including early bird pricing 
  • Member and non-member pricing 
  • Event options, per delegate and per booking 
  • Discount voucher support 
  • Online booking and payment support via invoice or payment gateway
  • Automated event booking confirmation, reminders and joining instructions 
  • Support for multi-person bookings 
  • Event attendance recording, including mobile and tablet check-in 
  • Event portal listings, including event categorisation filters 
  • Event opportunity tracking for incomplete online bookings and remarketing 
  • Comprehensive Web Event booking engine as standard

Regardless of the size and complexity of your events, Subscribe360 can help you seamlessly run them from start to end. Look out for the next blog, where we'll look at the Membership App in detail. 

Contact us today to discuss your organisation's needs and for a no-obligation quote.

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